2021 RSVP Appreciation Events

A person in a face mask sits in a red car holding a certificate. Another masked person stands outside the car door, smiling and looking at the camera. It appears to be a sunny day with autumn foliage in the background.

In October, volunteers were recognized once again at “Drive Through” appreciation events held in each of the three counties served by NEI RSVP. Volunteers that drove through were treated to cupcakes and ice cream, and they also had the chance to pick up a few appreciation gifts and chat with RSVP staff.

Volunteer “Years of Service Awards” were handed out to volunteers that reached milestones. The years served by the 49 volunteers receiving awards totaled 455 years! Take a look at the slideshow to see photos of some of the recipients who picked up awards in person as well as stations who were presented with Certificates of Appreciation.

Despite so many changes in our world today, one thing remains the same ““ RSVP volunteers are appreciated by RSVP staff, stations and the communities they serve.

Thank you so much!

Posted: January 5, 2022

Categories: RSVP