Friday Book Group: Do I Know You?: A Faceblind Reporter’s Journey into the Science of Sight, Memory, and Imagination
Decorah Public Library staff are hosting five book discussions in March. The groups are open to the public and newcomers are encouraged to attend. Anyone interested should call the library at 382-3717 to learn more or to reserve a book. Email ktorresdal@decorahlibrary.org to be added to any of the five groups’ email distribution lists. Funds for multiple copy sets were generously provided by Friends of Decorah Public Library.
The Friday Book Group will meet on the 2nd floor of the library Fri. Mar. 21 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss Sadie Dingfelder’s “Do I Know You?: A Faceblind Reporter’s Journey into the Science of Sight, Memory, and Imagination.” Science writer Dingfelder has always known that she’s a little quirky. But while she’s made some strange mistakes over the years, it’s not until she accosts a stranger in a grocery store (whom she thinks is her husband) that she realizes something is amiss. With a mixture of curiosity and dread, Dingfelder starts contacting neuroscientists and lands herself in scores of studies. A lively blend of personal narrative and popular science, this book is the story of one unusual mind’s attempt to understand itself—and a fascinating exploration of the remarkable breadth of human experience.
For more information, contact Tricia Gunderson (Friday Book Group) or Kristin Torresdal (Happy Hour, History, and Speculative Fiction Book Groups) at 563-382-3717.